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facebook new & articles

Here I have started collecting news and articles about Facebook that I find interesting, exciting or just funny.


Facebook starts to charge

There have been rumors that Facebook will start charging and it has upset many users. The rumor has been spread by journalists who use creative headlines. It's not about to start charging for regular facebook accounts without certain extra services. Such has been paying for the past as well, but Facebook has made ​​some changes in its business model.


'James Bond' private life on Facebook.

A newspaper writes about spy chief Sir John Sawers that is the incoming head of MI6. As spy chief you would hardly be too keen on share private information to other spy networks.

So it may be a good idea to take a serious talk with his wife about this:

John Sawers wife, Lady Shelley Sawyer has posted pictures and information on their Facebook page where their address is listed as well as private pictures and links to others, many high-ranking people, friends..

Not to smart perhaps and her Facebook page has now been removed. (On the other hand, I suspect that Sawers life probably already is registred by those who would be Interested .. :-)


















What is facebook?

Facebook is a online tool that helps you to connect to other people.

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Delete facebook?

Have you already used facebook but have gotten tired of it? It's not as easy as you could think to erase your facebook account..

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Problems to log in on facebook?

Sometimes facebook have problems that you can't do anything about but sometimes the problems can depend on small mistakes

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