Facebook FAQ

Your guide to facebook

Delete facebook

It is quite easy to find the function that removes your Facebook account. But how do you do if you want to delete it altogether? Here you'll find out how.


Step 9. facebook guide

Delete your facebook account

For those who no longer want to use Facebook but think you might want to continue later, there is a function to deactivate your account.
Your profile and all you put up are still there and you will probably also occasionally get email from facebook .. Everything that you put into groups of your friends, etc.. remain on Facebook.

In the settings on your account, it's easy to disable. While Facebook wants to know why you choose to deactivate and you have to actively check a box to get rid of mail, such as Friends that tags pictures of you or invite you to events, etc..

Do you want to activate your account so you just have to log in as usual and activate the account on the same set as you disable it.

Delete facebook completly

If you are absolutely sure you do not want your account on Facebook is a little trickier. It takes just a little detective work to find out how to quit. Using the Help Center and search their FAQ, you can find the right. In the past, there was not even on the Swedish ..

After deletion, you can not re-create the account and just things you put in with friends or groups remain.
Earlier disappeared the information and some argue that Facebook still saves everything even if you delete. Are you worried that it might be a good idea that you delete images, posts, etc.. before deleting.

If you do not want to look for the link to be able to finish kontont you can use the link below. (Note login first in on Facebook before you click on the link, otherwise know Facebook is not the account to be closed):

Delete your facebook account»

Note that it may take a while before everything disappears from the search engines like Google etc.. The search engines update their information regularly, but it may take several months before it disappears. There may also be traces left on Facebook for some time because they have multiple servers and databases that information is stored on.

When you delete your account and waited a day or two, you can test whether you can log in again. Do not go there, you know that it worked.

Quick guide to deleta facebook:

1. login to your facebook acoount

2. Switch back to this page and den click the link:
Delete facebook »


Facebooks history

Want to know how it all started? Then you should read:

The history of facebook »

What is facebook?

Facebook is a online tool that helps you to connect to other people.

About facebook »

Avoid loosing facebook account!

You need your e-mail to communicate with facebook. If you loose it you can loose the control of you facebook account.

Facebook and you e-mail »