Facebook FAQ

Your guide to facebook

facebook guide for beginners

In this guide I show you step by step how to create your facebook account but also different settings and common features of facebook.


This is not a complete guide but you will learn the basics and what you should think about when you use facebook.

Facebook is constantly evolving, soome function may not look and work exactly as I have described, but you will get a good overview of how it works.

Use the menu to the left to find out more about each part, or go to the next step through the link in at the end of each part.

The guide first show you how to create an account on facebook, then we are looking at the various settings, how to get friends, how to use groups, what you can do woth applications and then a summary of some other functions.

Ready? Then just go ahead with the first step:

Step 1 Create a facebook account »


Facebook is constantly changing. If you discover errors in this guideplease tell me!


What is facebook?

Facebook is a online tool that helps you to connect to other people.

About facebook »

Facts about facebook?

Are you looking for facts and figures abut facebook? You can find it here:

Facebook facts »

Be careful with your e-mail adress

You need your e-mail to communicate with facbook. If you loose it you can loose the control of you facebook account.

Avoid loosing your Facebook account »


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