Facebook FAQ

Your guide to facebook

User profile on facebook

Step 3 - facebook guide

Here we take a look at the possibilites that you have with your profile.


Your facebook profile

To access the profile in Facebook using the menu at the top.
The profile is used as a way for you to tell us more about yourself, your friends but also for Facebook to suggest friends and to be able to target ads to fit you better.

You choose entirely how much and what to talk about yourself.

When you select the profile you will get a page where the tab information is preselected. To make changes to your profile, select your "edit info" at symbol showing a pen.

Now you will see several titles of the page. Your profile on Facebook is made up of different parts and the first part is selected automatically (you can click on the headline to access the settings for the specific parts.

General information

Here you can fill in more general information about yourself. Eg ypur hometown, relationship status, if you are interested in men or women, and if you look for example dating, friendship or networking. You can also specify the political opinion and religion.
When you are satisfied, click on save changes.

Personal information

Here you add things you enjoy doing, interests, favorite music, favorite movies, etc..

Contact information

Here you can specify what you want to call you if you use IM (Instant Messages, such as Windows Live and others) but also traditional contact information.

Education and work

Here you can specify which schools you attended and what year but also the employers you have or have had, position etc..

Since it is possible to search friends on Facebook by schools and workplaces that members have studied or worked on, it is good to fill in uppgiftern if you want it to be easier for others to find you.

Pictures and images on facebook

Use the tab photos to upload a picture of yourself. Use a picture where it is possible to recognize you, it is easier for those who want to make friends with you to know that you are really you.


Now it's finally time to get friends on facebook »


Facebooks history

Want to know how it all started? Then you should read:

The history of facebook »

More about facebook

If you want to know more about facebook then you can find some facts and figures here:

Facebook Facts and figures»

Add a second e-mail address!

You need your e-mail to communicate with facebook. If you loose it you can loose the control of you facebook account.

Facebook and you e-mail »